Where can I find the code to register for my company?
Registration codes have been sent by email from our CLIA Cruise Week Europe Team intranet@aristea.com, if you can’t find your email, please contact us at cruiseweekinfo@cruising.org and we will help you.
Please remember to always check your spam folder!
I am not a CLIA member, can I register anyway?
If you are not a member and wish to register, you can register as a Guest, no need to use a code, just fill the blank fields with your company data and continue to payment.
How much does a Guest registration cost?
You can find all the info about registration fees on our website https://www.cliacruiseweek.com/registration/
Will I receive a confirmation email after registration
Yes, you will receive an automatic confirmation email from our registration system.
Can I register and pay by email?
Unless you have special arrangements directly with CLIA, registration and payments can only be done online.
I have issues with the payment.
Payment must be done immediately after confirming all the data, approximately within 30 minutes, before the payment systems times out and cancels the registration process.
It is possible to pay only by online payment with credit card.
If you experience any problems, please contact us at cruiseweekinfo@cruising.org
How do I get Company tax code (VAT / IVA / CF)?
If you are paying the registration in your company name, it is recommended to have VAT/P.IVA/Tax Code, since the invoice will show it.
Only if you do not have the data is it possible to indicate NO VAT in the VAT field.
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